Mexican Sunflower (tithonia fruticosa) is one of my favorite desert plants. It has a commanding presence in the summer garden with its tall leggy stems, large green leaves and bright yellow sunflowers. A profuse bloomer when watered, it attracts hummingbirds, butterflies and bees. Birds also love to eat the spent dry flowers, so be sure to dead head them and leave on the ground. But, in winter, Mexican Sunflower is not a pleasant sight to behold. It no longer flowers and the large leaves turn wrinkled and brown. If it is a featured plant, like my two were, it becomes a blight on your winter garden.
So, last winter, I dug up one of them, divided the clump, and planted two pieces in an area that would become a back drop to my oasis garden. I didn't have the heart to dig up the other one, so I severly pruned it back and waited for new, fresher growth in the summer. Well, even after much attention the clumps never produced. So I began calling the various nurserys in town only to learn Desert Survivors was the only one who carried the tithonia fruticosa variety. Unfortunately their plants were still in the greenhouse and wouldn't be ready until fall. I had to wait.
The 1/2 inch wire mesh cages I described in my last post have worked well in protecting one of my raised vegetable beds from small critters. The handles work great, making them easy to lift off the bed while I water and putz about.
Hey Brad, Found your blog from Blotanical. Good luck with your Mex. Sun Flower. I really like your idea of the cages. Down here in the FL Keys we have wicked iguana problems that the cages might just work on. Our veg Gardens are just starting up.
Keep posting, I enjoy your blog.See ya 'round Blotanical
Scott(Liz and the Professor)
You have posted wonderful picture of Mexican Sunflower. your blog looks wonderful. It was nice going through it.
So tall, the Mexican sunflower. My first ever sunflower is a foot and a half tall, dwarf type I suppose, and drying up now..... cheers ~bangchik
Great info you shared on your Mexican Sunflower 'trials and tribulations'!
Really it is a great informative blog on Mexican Sunflower 'trials and tribulations'!... nice!
the idea of growing sun flower is great. the picture of sun flower are also great thanks for sharing every thing.
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